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Class: AzureAISearchVectorStore<T>

Azure AI Search vector store.


import { DefaultAzureCredential, getBearerTokenProvider} from "@azure/identity";
import {KnownAnalyzerNames, KnownVectorSearchAlgorithmKind } from "@azure/search-documents";

// 1- Setup Azure OpenAI
const azureADTokenProvider = getBearerTokenProvider(
new DefaultAzureCredential(),

// IMPORTANT: You need to deploy your own embedding model as well as your own chat completion model
// NOTE: You can use whatever embedding model and language model that is supported in LlamaIndex
const azure = {
deployment: process.env.AZURE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME,
Settings.llm = new OpenAI({ azure });
Settings.embedModel = new OpenAIEmbedding({
model: process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL,
azure: {,
deployment: process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL,

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// 2- Setup Azure AI Search
// Define env variables in .env file
// EMBEDDING_MODEL=text-embedding-ada-002
// AZURE_API_VERSION=2024-09-01-preview

// Define index name
const indexName = "llamaindex-vector-store";

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// 3a- Create Index (if it does not exist)
// id: Edm.String
// chunk: Edm.String
// embedding: Collection(Edm.Single)
// metadata: Edm.String
// doc_id: Edm.String
// author: Edm.String
// theme: Edm.String
// director: Edm.String

// Define metadata fields with their respective configurations
const metadataFields = {
author: "author",
theme: ["theme", MetadataIndexFieldType.STRING],
director: "director",

// Define index parameters and vector store configuration
// Index validation:
// - IndexManagement.VALIDATE_INDEX: will validate before creating emnbedding index and will throw a runtime error if the index does not exist
// - IndexManagement.NO_VALIDATION: will try to access the index and will throw a runtime error if the index does not exist
// - IndexManagement.CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS: will create the index if it does not exist

const vectorStore = new AzureAISearchVectorStore({
metadataFields as unknown as FilterableMetadataFieldKeysType,
indexManagement: IndexManagement.CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS,
idFieldKey: "id",
chunkFieldKey: "chunk",
embeddingFieldKey: "embedding",
metadataStringFieldKey: "metadata",
docIdFieldKey: "doc_id",
embeddingDimensionality: 1536,
hiddenFieldKeys: ["embedding"],
languageAnalyzer: KnownAnalyzerNames.EnLucene,
// store vectors on disk
vectorAlgorithmType: KnownVectorSearchAlgorithmKind.ExhaustiveKnn,

// Optional: Set to "scalar" or "binary" if using HNSW
compressionType: KnownVectorSearchCompressionKind.BinaryQuantization,

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// 3a- Loading documents
// Load the documents stored in the data/paul_graham/ using the SimpleDirectoryReader
// NOTE: You can use whatever reader that is supported in LlamaIndex

// Load documents using a directory reader
const documents = await new SimpleDirectoryReader().loadData(
const storageContext = await storageContextFromDefaults({ vectorStore });

// Create index from documents with the specified storage context
const index = await VectorStoreIndex.fromDocuments(documents, {
docStoreStrategy: DocStoreStrategy.UPSERTS,

const queryEngine = index.asQueryEngine();
const response = await queryEngine.query({
query: "What did the author do growing up?",
similarityTopK: 3,
} as any);
console.log({ response });

## Extends

- [`BaseVectorStore`](

## Type Parameters

**T** *extends* `R`

## Constructors

### new AzureAISearchVectorStore()

> **new AzureAISearchVectorStore**\<`T`\>(`options`): [`AzureAISearchVectorStore`](\<`T`\>

#### Parameters

**options**: [`AzureAISearchOptions`](../interfaces/\<`T`\> & [`VectorStoreBaseParams`](../type-aliases/

#### Returns


#### Overrides


#### Defined in


## Properties

### \_indexClient

> **\_indexClient**: `undefined` \| `SearchIndexClient`

#### Defined in



### \_searchClient

> **\_searchClient**: `undefined` \| `SearchClient`\<`T`\>

#### Defined in



### embedModel

> **embedModel**: [`BaseEmbedding`](

#### Inherited from


#### Defined in



### flatMetadata

> **flatMetadata**: `boolean` = `true`

#### Defined in



### isEmbeddingQuery?

> `optional` **isEmbeddingQuery**: `boolean`

#### Inherited from


#### Defined in



### storesText

> **storesText**: `boolean` = `true`

#### Overrides


#### Defined in


## Methods

### add()

> **add**(`nodes`): `Promise`\<`string`[]\>

Add nodes to index associated with the configured search client.

#### Parameters

**nodes**: [`BaseNode`](\<[`Metadata`](../type-aliases/\>[]

List of nodes with embeddings to add to the index

#### Returns


List of node IDs that were added to the index

#### Overrides


#### Defined in



### client()

> **client**(): `undefined` \| `SearchClient`\<`T`\>

Get search client

#### Returns

`undefined` \| `SearchClient`\<`T`\>

Azure AI Search client. See SearchClient

#### Overrides


#### Defined in



### createSearchClient()

> **createSearchClient**(`options`): `void`

#### Parameters

**options**: [`AzureAISearchOptions`](../interfaces/\<`T`\>

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### createSearchIndexClient()

> **createSearchIndexClient**(`options`): `void`

#### Parameters

**options**: [`AzureAISearchOptions`](../interfaces/\<`T`\>

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### delete()

> **delete**(`refDocId`): `Promise`\<`void`\>

Delete documents from the AI Search Index with docIdFieldKey (doc_id) field equal to refDocId.

#### Parameters

**refDocId**: `string`

The reference document ID to delete from the index

#### Returns


#### Overrides


#### Defined in



### getNodes()

> **getNodes**(`nodeIds`?, `filters`?, `limit`?): `Promise`\<[`BaseNode`](\<[`Metadata`](../type-aliases/\>[]\>

Get nodes asynchronously from the Azure AI Search index.

#### Parameters

**nodeIds?**: `string`[]

List of node IDs to retrieve from the index

**filters?**: [`MetadataFilters`](../interfaces/

Metadata filters to apply to the search

**limit?**: `number`

Maximum number of nodes to retrieve

#### Returns


List of nodes retrieved from the index

#### Defined in



### indexClient()

> **indexClient**(): `undefined` \| `SearchIndexClient`

Get index client

#### Returns

`undefined` \| `SearchIndexClient`

Azure AI Search index client. See SearchIndexClient

#### Defined in



### query()

> **query**(`query`): `Promise`\<[`VectorStoreQueryResult`](../interfaces/\>

#### Parameters

**query**: [`VectorStoreQuery`](../interfaces/ & `object`

#### Returns


#### Overrides


#### Defined in
